Account actions
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Retrieve lost username
Reset lost password
CQPweb User Page
Reset lost password
If you have forgotten your password, or if your password has expired, you can request a password-reset. CQPweb does not store your password and so we cannot send you a reminder of what your password is (because doing so would risk the security of your account). You must instead reset the password to something new.
First, use the first form below to request a password-reset verification code. This will be sent to the email address associated with your username.
Then, return to this webpage, and use the second form below to change your password, using the verification code that we send you via email message.
Request password reset via email
Enter your username:

Reset your password
Enter your username:
Enter your new password or passphrase:
Retype the new password or passphrase:
Enter the 32-letter verification code sent to you by email:
(spaces optional)


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